The condition of increased pressure within the muscle
compartment is called compartment syndrome. Acute compartment syndrome of the
thigh is rare. In this case, fracture of the femur causes increased pressure of
the thigh that requires fasciotomy. High suspicion for thigh compartment
syndrome is recommended even in cases of minor trauma when anticoagulation
therapy or hemophilia is involved. The anterior compartment of the thigh is the
most commonly involved compartment. Fasciotomy is often necessary when the
pressure within the muscle compartment is increased. Increase pressure is
defined as an increase of absolute pressure to 30 mmHg or the pressure of the
compartment is within 30 mmHg of the diastolic pressure. If the surgeon
suspects compartment syndrome during surgery, the preoperative diastolic
pressure and not the intraoperative diastolic pressure, is used as a guide.
Once the compartmental pressure becomes elevated as mentioned before,
fasciotomy becomes necessary. Fasciotomy should be done urgently within a
reasonable period of time in order to avoid ischemia of the muscles.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
Distal Third Clavicle Fracture
Fracture of the distal third of the clavicle is a problem
fracture. Its management and its outcome can be complicated. There are some
ligaments called the coracoclavicular ligament that goes between the coracoid
and the clavicle. These ligaments are called the conoid and trapezoid
ligaments. The conoid is medial (inserts about 4.5cm from end of clavicle). The
trapezoid is lateral (inserts about 3 cm from the lateral end of clavicle). The
integrity of the conoid and trapezoid ligaments (coracoclavicular ligaments) is
important. The coracoclavicular ligaments provide the primary resistance to
superior displacement of the lateral clavicle. The ligaments are holding the
clavicle down. If fracture of the lateral third of the clavicle occurs and the
medial part is not attached to the ligaments, then the medial part of the
clavicle will become displaced superiorly by the pull of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle. When you assess the fracture of the lateral or
distal third of the clavicle, you assess the stability of this fracture. The
stability of this fracture is based on the location of the fracture in
relationship to the coracoclavicular ligaments, the AC joint, and the fracture
pattern. Is the fracture pattern simple or comminuted which could be unstable. There
are several types, and they can be summed up as two types: stable fractures and
displaced fractures with coracoclavicular ligament not attached to the proximal
fragment. In displaced fractures, the proximal fragment will displace
superiorly. This type will have delayed union up to 50% and nonunion
approximately 20%. Because the proximal fragment is not attached to any
ligaments, it is just displaced superiorly. The distal segment continues to be
attached to the coracoid by the coracoclavicular ligament. Some physicians
believe that the displacement of the fracture, and the fracture stability is
usually decided in surgery, but you do not want to do that, you want to decide
the stability and the displacement of the fracture before surgery so that you
can make the proper decision for treatment and also to select the proper
implant for dealing with this problem. The Zanca view x-ray may be needed. 15
degrees cephalic tilt to show the superior inferior displacement. A fracture
that is lateral to the ligament makes the fracture stable, you will treat the
patient conservatively with a sling. A fracture that is medial to the ligament
and makes the fracture unstable is treated by open reduction internal fixation.
You can use the guideline of the ligament insertion, which is 4.5cm from the AC
joint, can use the Zanca view to help you in visualizing the displacement
superiorly or inferiorly, and when the fracture is medial to the ligament that
is unstable, this means that you need to do ORIF because if you treat it
conservatively, there will be a high incidence of nonunion. You can use
multiple techniques for reduction and fixation of the distal clavicle fracture.
One of these techniques is plates and screws called a “cluster plate” that has
multiple holes which allows you to put small screws and lock the screws to the
plate. Another technique is the hook plate which is used when there is
insufficient bone in the distal segment for fixation with plates and screws.
Not every hospital has the hook plate. You may not be able to fix the distal
clavicle fracture with plate and screws in surgery. Make sure you have the hook
plate in house in case it is needed (hook plate is a backup plan). Most hook
plates will require removal after healing of the fracture (secondary surgery).
If the fracture is a nonunion and the patient has symptoms, you need to fix
this fracture with a plate and bone graft if the fracture is atrophic. This
problem is very difficult to treat, and it does not matter what type of
fixation that you use, there will be a high incidence of failure in the
treatment of nonunion of the distal clavicle. The patient may require two types
of stabilization for this nonunion. The patient may require two types of
stabilization for this nonunion. The first type is a plate and bone graft
fixation. The second type is additional help to the plat and bone graft by
stabilizing the coracoclavicular area. You can use a tendon allograft, or you
can use anchors in the coracoid or a tight rope fixation. Fracture distal to
the line drawn vertically to the coracoid process is probably a stable
fracture. You will give the patient a sling for comfort and give a structured
PT program when the pain is less, starting with pendulum exercises and progress
to active assisted when the pain is manageable. In a child, a distal clavicle
fracture could be a periosteal sleeve fracture which will remain attached to
the intact coracoclavicular ligament.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Seymour Fracture
Seymour fracture is a complex pediatric fracture of the
fingers or the toes. It is an extra articular transverse Salter Type I or Type
II fracture at the base of the distal phalanx of the fingers or the toes. There
is a flexion injury that leads to physeal separation between the extensor
tendon dorsally and the flexor digitorum profundus volarly. This flexion injury
which causes flexion of bone also causes avulsion of the proximal edge of the
nail from the nail fold. In addition to disruption of the nail plate, there is
a disruption of the germinal matrix. The patient will have pain, swelling, and
deformity. The finger will appear flexed, and it will look like a mallet finger
with the nail appearing too long compared to the nail on the other side. There
is blood coming from the root of the nail. This injury is an open fracture, it
is not a mallet finger fracture, and it should not be treated with a splint
alone. When you see bleeding around the nail bed in a child, be suspicious of a
Seymour fracture. If the fracture is missed, there may be complications such as
infection and finger deformity. Because this is an open fracture, you must give
the patient antibiotics. The patient will need to go to the operating room for
nail removal and debridement of the wound. Reduce the fracture, fix it with a
K-wire and repair the nail bed. Splint the fracture or use a cast for
Monday, March 9, 2020
Posterior Dislocation Sternoclavicular Joint
Monday, March 2, 2020
Types and Mechanisms of Fractures
There are many types of fractures. The main types of
fractures are described as either displaced, non-displaced, open, or closed.
Displaced and non-displaced refer to the way the bone breaks. Incomplete fractures such as a hairline
fracture usually results from a minor trauma and the fracture does not go all
the way through the bone. It is a very small crack in the bone. A Greenstick fracture is an incomplete
fracture in which the bone is bent. This fracture type most often occurs in
children. The Toddler fracture is an incomplete or undisplaced fracture that is
difficult to see. You may need an internal oblique view of the tibia to see
this fracture. Complete fracture means that the bone is completely fractured
through its entire width. Transverse fracture occurs due to tension of the bone
(such as a patellar fracture).
Transverse diaphyseal fracture in children can be successfully treated
by flexible IM nails. Oblique fracture occurs due to compression force. There
is slight obliquity of the fracture. In
a bending fracture pattern, part of the bone is subjected to tension force and
the other part of the bone is subjected to compression force. The part of the
fracture that is subjected to tension force will be transverse. The part of the
fracture that is subjected to compression force will be oblique. You can tell
from which side that the extremity was hit to create this fracture. Another
type of complete fracture is the Butterfly fracture pattern. If the fracture is
subjected to a bending force as well as axial loading, this will create the
butterfly fracture pattern. With the bending force there is a tension force on
one side creating a transverse fracture and a compression force on the other
side creating a short oblique fracture, and the addition of an axial load force
will create another oblique fracture. This is how the butterfly fracture is
created (small transverse fracture and two oblique fracture). Segmental fractures may occur from four point
bending. Segmental open fracture is considered to be a Grade III open fracture
even if the wound is 1 cm. Antibiotic coverage will include Ancef and
Gentamicin. A spiral fracture occurs due to torsion or twisting force. There is
a high association of posterior malleolus fractures with spiral distal tibial fractures
and a CT scan of the ankle may be needed to diagnose and ankle fracture. A
comminuted fracture or explosion fracture occurs due to high energy force. With
this fracture type, there is a concern for the development of compartment
syndrome. Examine the patient carefully for neurovascular deficit. The
treatment of this fracture may be difficult. The skin may be compromised and
the soft tissue is probably badly injured. The blood supply of the bone itself
may be affected which may affect healing of the bone. When the fracture is
comminuted, the most current treatment is to use a bridge plate to bridge the
fragments and not to try to organize them and fit the pieces together because
you may compromise the circulation of these fragments which may lead to nonunion
or infection. The tendency is not to touch these fragments, but to line the
axis of the limb carefully and to check the rotation and use a bridge plate.
Fractures that penetrate the skin are open. Fractures that do not penetrate the
skin are closed. Open fracture are more serious than closed fractures. Open
fractures need an antibiotic immediately once the patient arrives to the
hospital. Adequate debridement of the compromised, contaminated soft tissue
should be done. Open fractures have a higher risk of infection and nonunion
than closed fractures. Open fracture of the tibia can develop compartment
syndrome. Open fracture of the humerus with radial nerve palsy, you have to
explore the nerve because the nerve can be transected. Open fracture and radial
nerve palsy is not a case for observation, it is a case for exploration.