Monday, December 16, 2019

Low Back Pain

What are the important facts about low back pain? No definitive etiology is found in about 85% of the patients. 90% of patients with a single episode of low back pain return to work within 6 weeks, and most patients get better with time. The history of low back pain is the single most important factor predicting future occupational low back pain. Low back pain is the second most common cause of work absenteeism. Persistent back pain more than 6 months constitutes more than 4% of the cases. Disability is closely linked to compensation and litigation. The least amount of pressure on the disc is measured with the person lying supine. The highest disc pressure is measured while sitting and 20 degree forward leaning with 20 kg load in the arm. By keeping the weight of the load close to the body, this reduces the compressive forces being placed on the lumbar spine. Yoga activities and exercises performed during sitting probably have less pressure being placed on the discs. What are the physical factors that lead to low back pain? Lifting heavy objects. Holding the load close to the body is important to reduce the compressive forces being placed on the lumbar spine.  Cigarette smoking is another factor. Nicotine causes disc degeneration, it interferes with the vascularity of the spine and the nutrition of the discs. Operating motor vehicles, prolonged sitting, lack of fitness, operating vibrating tools also contribute to low back pain. Sports related activities can lead to low back pain. One example includes golf.  Pain results from twisting and excessive forward bending and overarching of the spine during the swing.  At the age of 40, the average person loses 50% of their rotational movement of the spine. It is important to perform stretching and warmups before starting the game. Another example of a sport related activity leading to low back pain is horseback riding. Vibration caused by horseback riding increases the load on the discs. The back muscles work constantly to keep you posture straight. Caring for horses could be bad for the back due to the bending and the lifting associated with their care. The etiology of low back pain. Virtually any structure in the spine and close to the spine can hurt, causing what seems to be low back pain. These structures include facet joints, intervertebral discs, spinal canal/nerve roots, sacroiliac joints, muscles, ligaments, nerves, hip joint/piriformis syndrome, and trochanteric bursitis. Red flags for cancer include patients over the age of 50, pain at rest and at night, unexplained weight loss, history of cancer, bone destruction involving the pedicle in pathognomonic. Look for the winking owl sign of the vertebrae. The red flags for infection include diabetes mellitus, intravenous drug abuse, fever, urinary tract infection, and previous surgery on the spine. The physical examination includes the initial assessment, focus on the red flags such as fractures, tumor, infection, or cauda equina syndrome. Symptoms and signs of cauda equina syndrome are back pain more than leg pain, bladder or bowel disturbances, bilateral leg pain and weakness, saddle anesthesia (rectal and genital area sensory changes). In the absence of red flags, imaging studies are usually not helpful in the first 4-6 weeks. It is hard to explain to the patient why you did not get an x-ray, although not getting and early x-ray is a good patient care, but it may lead to suboptimal patient satisfaction. Intensive work-up may not be necessary in the early stages of routine low back pain. Conservative treatment of low back pain include anti-inflammatory medication and muscle relaxants which are usually helpful, and a soft brace or corset. Physical therapy is an important aspect of the treatment and should be done as soon as pain control is achieved. The combination of physical therapy and return to work is important. If a patient sustained chronic, disabling occupational low back pain without any intensive rehab, there is a 50% chance of going back to work if the person is out of work for 6 months. The chance of returning to work drops to 20% if the person is out of work for 1 year. The chance of returning to work is almost none if the person is out of work for 2 years. It is important to do therapy and encourage the patient to go back to work. The best treatment for acute low back pain is to continue with the ordinary daily activities within the limits permitted by the pain.  The best treatment for low back pain is for the patient to go back to work.