Monday, February 25, 2019

Anterior Tibial Artery

Anterior Tibial Artery

The anterior tibial artery is a branch of the popliteal artery (posterior aspect of knee), which divides into the anterior tibial artery and the posterior tibial artery (posterior). The anterior tibial artery is a branch of the popliteal artery (posterior aspect of the knee), which divides into the anterior tibial artery and the posterior tibial artery (posterior). Sometimes the two divisions are called the anterior tibial artery and the tibio-fibular trunk. th area of the anterior fibula. Then the extensor hallucis longus muscle appears, so the anterior tibial artery lies between the tibialis anterior muscle and the extensor hallucis longus muscle. The extensor hallucis longus muscle arises from the middle 2/4th area of the anterior fibula. The extensor hallucis longus then crosses the leg medially to take a position in the medial side. The big toe is definitely medial, so the extensor hallucis longus will go towards the big toe and become medial. The other toes are lateral, so the extensor digitorum longus will be inserted laterally and the anterior tibial artery will then be between these two muscles in the distal part of the leg and in front of the ankle. When the extensor hallucis longus tendon crosses the leg to go medially, it then crosses the anterior tibial artery. At this point, the anterior tibial artery is between the extensor hallucis longus and the extensor digitorum longus tendons. At the level of the ankle joint, this is how we remember the arrangement of the anterior ankle structures. Tom Has a Very Nice Dog: Tibialis anterior, extensor Hallucis longus, Vessels, Nerve, extensor Digitorum longus. This is only good to remember the structures in the distal portion of the tibia in front of the ankle. This does not work proximally, and this does not work for the structures in the middle third of the tibia. Extensor hallicus longus tendon is medial. Anterior tibial artery is lateral. After the anterior tibial artery passes underneath the extensor retinaculum, the artery is then called the dorsalis pedis, distally. The deep peroneal nerve pierces the intermuscular septum to enter the anterior compartment and goes through the substance of the extensor digitorum longus muscle.   of retractors in the posterior part of the proximal tibia to avoid damage to any of these branches of the popliteal artery since the bifurcation of the popliteal artery is in this area.
The relationship between the anterior tibial artery and the deep peroneal nerve changes according to the location. Proximally the nerve is lateral, then the nerve comes in front of the artery, finally the nerve stays lateral, distally. CTA around the knee can be done for dislocations or severe fractures around the knee area. At this level of the distal femur, you can see the popliteal artery. At the level of the proximal part of the leg, you can see the three branches of the popliteal artery: anterior tibial artery, posterior tibial artery, and peroneal artery. Be careful during placement. The anterior tibial artery arises just below the popliteus muscle. The anterior tibial artery pierces the interosseous membrane to enter into the extensor compartment or anterior compartment of the leg. The anterior tibial artery gives the anterior and posterior tibial recurrent arteries. The anterior tibial recurrent artery is the one that can be injured from tibial tubercle fracture in children, which can cause compartment syndrome of the leg. The artery then runs proximally between the tibialis anterior medially and the extensor digitorum longus laterally. The extensor digitorum longus arises from the upper 3/4