Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Pivot Shift of the Knee—ACL tear

The anterior cruciate ligament is located at the front of the knee. Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a condition commonly seen in sports, usually due to a non-contact pivoting injury. The Pivot Shift test is a specific test for an ACL deficient knee (ACL injury). A pivot shift is pathognomonic for an ACL tear and is best demonstrated in a chronic setting. The Lachman’s test is the most sensitive examination test for an ACL injury.
The ACL keeps the tibia from sliding out in front of the femur and provides rotational stability to the knee. Rupture of the ACL causes anterolateral rotatory instability. The tibia moves anterolaterally in extension; however, when you flex the knee the IT band becomes a flexor of the knee and pulls back, reducing the tibia. The Pivot Shift Test goes from extension (tibia subluxed) to flexion, with the tibia reduced by the iliotibial band.
Both the Lachman’s test and the Pivot Shift test are associated with 20-30 degrees of knee flexion. The Lachman’s test starts at 20-30 degrees of flexion, but with the Pivot Shift test, you will feel the clunk at 20-30 degrees of flexion. Remember: 20-30 degrees of flexion is important for examination of the ACL. The femur is stabilized with one hand and the other hand pulls the tibia anteriorly and posteriorly against the femur. The tibia can be pulled forward more than normal (anterior translation). The examiner will have a sense of increased movement and lack of a solid end point.
When performing the Pivot Shift test, the patient should be totally relaxed and lying supine. The knee is in the subluxed position when in full extension. The pivot shift starts with extension of the knee and you can feel a “clunk” at 20-30 degrees of flexion. The physician will hold the knee in full extension, then add valgus force, and internal rotation of the tibia to increase the rotational instability of the knee. Then the physician will take the knee into flexion. A palpable clunk is very specific of an ACL tear. The iliotibial band will reduce the tibia and create the clunk on the outside of the knee. The physician should always compare the results with the other side.

The ACL prevents anterior translation of the tibia. It is a secondary restraint to tibial rotation and varus and valgus. The ACL consists of two bundles:

  • The Posterolateral Bundle
  • Anteromedial Bundle
The Posterolateral bundle prevents the pivot shift and contributes to rotational stability. This bundle also prevents internal rotation of the tibia with the knee in near extension (tight in extension, loose in flexion). If it is sectioned, it increases the anterior translation and tibial rotation at 30° of flexion. The Anteromedial bundle is tight in flexion and if sectioned, it increases the anterior translation at 90° of flexion.
The Lachman’s test is the most sensitive test, especially in acute settings. The examiner will find no end point with anterior translation of the knee and the physical examination can be difficult or limited due to pain. With the Pivot Shift test, the patient must be completely relaxed. The test is helpful in chronic situations, especially if the patient complains of the knee giving way.
During the Pivot Shift, the knee subluxes in extension and reduces at 20-30 degrees of flexion. The Pivot Shift correlates closely with patient satisfaction of their reconstructed knee. It is also a measure of functional instability following ACL reconstruction. Verticle femoral tunnel placement will cause rotational instability seen as a positive pivot shift, and the malposition of the bone tunnel will be seen in an AP view x-ray of the knee. The 9 or 10 o’clock position is better than the 12 o’clock. A vertical position is bad.

The patient with an ACL injury usually has a non-contact pivoting injury even with:

  • Awkward landing
  • Feeling a “Pop” sensation
  • Immediate swelling
  • Aspiration usually shows blood in the knee (75% chance of ACL tear with hemorrhage in the knee)
  • Positive Lachman’s Test (may be hard to examine due to pain)

An MRI is going to be the best imaging technique. An MRI of the knee joint will show bone lesions or bruising in the typical location associated with tears of the ACL. These injuries are typically located at the middle of the femoral condyle and posterior part of the tibia laterally. It is also possible to find a triple injury within the MRI (O’Donoghue’s Unhappy Triad).

O’Donoghue’s Unhappy Triad consists of:

  1. Tear of the Lateral Meniscus
  2. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (ACL tear)
  3. Medial Collateral Ligament Injury

In chronic ACL tears, the posterior horn of the medial meniscus is the most commonly injured structure. In acute ACL tears, send the patient for therapy for range of motion, brace the patient, and allow the MCL to heal and reconstruct the ACL later if needed. It is important to stress hamstring therapy in ACL tears. The patient will probably complain of instability immediately or later on.